October 14 Basketball Division Meeting

The next AOA Basketball Division Meeting will be held in-person at York High School, 355 West Saint Charles Road in Elmhurst at 7:00 pm.  A complimentary gift will be presented to those AOA members who have completed their registration on-line.  If you have not already done so, you can register on-line today at:  https://www.athletic-officials.com/basketball/basketball-membership/

Our meeting will be held in Room A294 at York High School, 355 West Saint Charles Road in Elmhurst.  You can park in the lots just north of Saint Charles Road and enter through the Academic building, which is left to the American flag as you face north, going towards the school.   Room A294 is on the second floor of the Academic building.

We are also planning to have a post-meeting social event at the Silverado Restaurant immediately following the meeting.

Meeting Theme: Video, Video, Video
6:45 – Registration 7:05 – Joe Spagnolo, Video Review: Proper Mechanic Concepts
7:30 – Joe Spagnolo, Video Review: And There’s No One Here To See It
8:00 – Announcements
8:15 – Social Event at The Silverado Grill, 447 Spring Road, Elmhurst, IL

October 7 Basketball Division Meeting

The first meeting of the AOA Basketball Division will be held on Zoom on Thursday, October 7 at 7:00 pm.  If you have not already done so, please complete your membership registration at: https://www.athletic-officials.com/basketball/basketball-membership/ 

Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82233257549?pwd=NDY3WEt6YW1hTXF3MmVhckJjcGFuUT09


Meeting Theme: Getting Ready
7:05 – Joe Spagnolo, Pre-Game A-to-Z
7:25 – Fred Allman, New Rules and Points of Emphasis
8:00 – Fifteen Minutes With…Fred Allman
8:15 – Plays of the Week
8:25 – Announcements
8:30 – New Officials Workshop 101

Mini-Session Synopsis

Mini-Session # 1: “Pre-Game A-to-Z”
It’s an alphabet soup version of quick bullet points that IHSA Clinician Joe Spagnolo will cover just about every concept that we need to cover in our pre-game.  Short, sweet, and effective.  I can’t believe someone hasn’t thought of this earlier.  A must for all officials to start their game off on the right track. 

Mini-Session # 2:  
“New Rules and Points of Emphasis”
IHSA Rule Interpreter Fred Allman will provide his annual overview of pre-season updates and expectations for the upcoming season. 

Aug 5 Football Division Meeting

Topic: AOA FB Division Meeting
Time: Aug 5, 2021 07:00 PM   

  • Agenda for Aug 5
    • Octavio Herrera and Jeff Conrad will be coordinating breakout rooms for a video review of mechanics and rules
    • Regroup and review videos and lively discussion
    • These breakout sessions will feature lively football situation mechanics and rules discussions. 
  • Agenda for Aug 12
    • Part 1 Test Review with Ted Lepucki
    • Officer and Board Nominations
  • Agenda for Aug 19
    • Part 1 Test Review with Ted Lepucki
    • Officer and Board Nominations
  • Agenda for Aug 26 
    • Guest Speaker: Author of Conflict Resolution for Officials Pete Jaskulski

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 884 5707 6176

AOA Members Assigned to 2021 IHSA Baseball Playoffs

Scott Baker

  • Regional – 3A Sycamore 6/4
  • Regional – 3A Newark 6/7

David Dahl

  • Regional – Rockford Christian 6/5

Stephen Godlewski

  • Regional – Pontiac 6/4
  • Regional – Reed Custer 6/7

Bart Greenberger

  • Regional – Unity

Don Honer

  • Regional – Riverside Brookfield 6/4
  • Regional – St Charles East 6/7

Jenn Hughes (First Post Season Assignment)

  • Regional – Newark 6/4

Greg Johnson

  • Regional – 4A Wheaton North 6/3
  • Regional – 3A Kaneland 6/4 and 6/7
  • Sectional – 4A Naperville North 6/9

Steve Marchese

  • Regional – 4A Sandburg
  • Regional – Timothy Christian
  • Regional – Prospect HS
  • Sectional – Chicago Christian

Vince Mastandrea

  • Regional – 3A and 4A
  • Sectional – 4A

Jim Meurer

  • Regional – 2A Lisle
  • Regional – 4A Minooka

Bill Mushrush

  • Regional – 2A and 4A Semi-Finals and Finals
  • Sectional – 4A Semi-Finals and Finals
  • Super-Sectional – 4A

Dan Raymond

  • Regional – 2A University of Chicago HS

Bob Ryan

  • Regional – Waubonsie Valley
  • Regional – Wheaton Academy
  • Regional – Ridgewood
  • Sectional – Riverside Brookfield

Jeff Schanks

  • Regional – 4A Plainfield North
  • Super Sectional – 4A Triton College
  • State Series – 4A Semifinals Joliet – Second Trip Down State

Troy Stockton

  • Regional – Freeport 6/4

Gary Stratton

  • Regional – 4A St Charles East HS
  • Regional – 4A Naperville North HS
  • Regional – 2A Chicago Christian HS
  • Sectional – 4A Lake Park HS

Mark Voyda

  • Regional – Resurrection
  • Regional – Evanston
  • Regional – Willowbrook

Michael Weber

  • Regional – 3A (location unknown)

Johnny Wilkins (First Postseason Assignments)

  • Regional – 1A Walther Lutheran 5/2
  • Regional – 3A Fenton HS 5/3
  • Regional – 4A Geneva HS 5/4
  • Regional – 3A St Francis HS 5/5
  • Regional – 2A Timothy Christian HS 5/7

AOA Members Assigned to 2021 IHSA Softball Playoffs


  • Don Christ
  • John Cournane
  • Jim Galbavy
  • Mark Ginski
  • Al Grember
  • Dan Krueger
  • Tim Loughnane
  • Mike Narranjo
  • Javier Saez
  • *Chris Schaefer (Hononary)
  • Scot Sutherland
  • Sal Vasta


  • Don Christ
  • John Cournane
  • Jim Galbavy
  • Dan Krueger
  • Tim Loughnane
  • Mike Narranjo
  • Javier Saez
  • *Chris Schaefer (Honorary)
  • Scot Sutherland


  • Mark Ginski 
  • Tim Loughnane
  • Mike Narranjo

State Finals

  • Mark Ginski
  • Tim Loughnane
  • Dan Krueger (Umpire-In-Chief) 

2021 Football Division Meetings

Thursdays, 07:00 PM Central Time

Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88457076176?pwd=Y21xdUxKYkUyVGRqYmpoVjJpVEhtQT09

Meeting ID: 884 5707 6176

  • Jul 22, 2021 07:00 PM
  • Jul 22, 2021 07:00 PM
  • Jul 29, 2021 07:00 PM
  • Aug 5, 2021 07:00 PM
  • Aug 12, 2021 07:00 PM
  • Aug 19, 2021 07:00 PM
  • Aug 26, 2021 07:00 PM

This season’s meetings will feature breakout sessions and lively football situation discussions.
For members to receive Level 2 Clinic Credit – 2021 dues must be paid and attendance at a minimum of 4 of the 6 regular meetings confirmed. Dues for the 2021 Fall Season will be $35 are now payable online.

Mar 10 Softball Division Meeting

March 10 : IHSA Certified Softball Level II Clinic Session Agenda

** Did you provide First & Last Name & IHSA ID # to Obtain Credit for 3/10 Meeting **

7:00pm – 7:05pm Dan Krueger: Clinician Introduction, Zoom Protocols, Registration
7:05pm – 7:55pm Videos, Look-Back Rule, Pre-game & Post-game with Partner
7:55pm – 8:00pm Tracie Henry, IHSA SB Administrator, Preseason Softball Video
8:00am – 8:20pm Q & A : * Any Topic *
8:20pm – 8:30pm Review 3/17, 3/24, 3/31 Clinic Session Agenda & Adjourn

3/17 : Clinician is Fred Schlessinger
3/24 : Clinician is Bonny Kuenster
3/31 : Clinician is Steve Verive

Don Christ : 847-254-7099, GCAC H.S. Softball Assignor

Mar 3 Softball Division Meeting

Level 2 Softball Clinic is Free with the AOA Membership Fee of $20

The Athletic Officials Association Softball Division would like, again, to offer its current members and new first-year members the possibility of receiving Level 2 clinic credit for attending a minimum of three of five scheduled meetings. We received IHSA approval for this format in 2021.

AOA Softball meets for five consecutive weeks on a Wednesday evening, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM. In the past we have met at Fenton High School, however, due to COVID-19, we plan to conduct our training sessions online virtually​.

March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31

Zoom Webinar will be made available at 6:45pm to allow buffer time and accommodate sign-ins. Each training session will include video and a presentation utilizing IHSA Certified Clinicians, as well as guest speakers such as IHSA Administrator Tracie Henry. 

You make the call – video30 minDan Krueger
Base umpire mechanics20 min
Coaches round table
Perry Peterson, Head Coach Barrington
Molly Freeman, Head Coach Hersey HS
25 min
Question and Answer15 min
March 3, 2021

Baseball Division 2021

The Athletic Officials Association Baseball Division would like, again, to offer its current members and new first-year members the possibility of receiving Level 1 clinic credit for attending a minimum of four of six scheduled meetings. We received IHSA approval for the same format in 2020 and the program was very successful.

AOA Baseball meets for six consecutive weeks on a Wednesday evening, from 6:45 PM to 9:00 PM. Normally we would meet at Naperville North High School, however, due to COVID-19, we plan to conduct our training sessions online. By attending 4-6 meetings, each person would get 8-12 hours of training.

February 3, 2021
1) TMac’s Teachable Moments– Close Call Sports– 60 minutes
2) Base Running Awards – John Cyr, 30 minutes
3) Strike Zone/Working the Plate – 30 minutes

February 10, 2021
1) Interference (other than Batter) and FPSR – Pat Weber 35 minutes
2) Live Ball vs. Dead Ball – Steve Harms 35 minutes
3) Developing Your Goals in Umpiring – Brad Snyder 35 minutes

February 17, 2021
1) MLB Umpire – Dan Bellino – 90 minutes
2) Pitching Regulations/Balks – Bob Copas – 30 minutes

February 24, 2021
1) Infield Fly – Steve Harms – 35 minutes
2) Warn/Restrict/Eject – Craig Davelis – 35 minutes
3) Professionalism Do’s and Don’ts – Brad Snyder – 35 minutes

March 3, 2021
1) Handling Lineup Card – Bill Mushrush – 30 minutes
2) Batting Out of Order – Bill Mushrush – 15 minutes
3) You Make the Call Video Review – Greg Johnson – 60 minutes

March 10, 2021
1) Rules Changes and POE – Alan Albert – 25 minutes
2) New DH Rule Alan Albert – 30 minutes
3) NFHS Part 1 Exam Review – John Cyr/Greg Johnson 50 minutes

Nov 19 Basketball Division Meeting

The next pre-season meeting of the Athletic Officials Association basketball division will be held on Zoom on Thursday, November 19.  Check-in runs from 6:45 to 6:55 p.m. and the presentations start promptly at 7:00 p.m.   Members in good standing will receive their Zoom Access Code each week via email.  

Thursday, November 19
700 – Welcome
705 – Presentation 1: Being A Good Partner, Don Williams
725 – Presentation 2: Rules Overview: NFHS Rules 1-2-3
745 – Presentation 3: Fighting Penalty Administration Review, Joe Spagnolo
810 – Meet The Assigner: Steve Bellmore, Northern Lake County and Fox Valley Conferences
820 – Plays of the Week
825 – Announcements
830 – New Officials Workshop 101

Mini-Session Synopsis

Mini-Session # 1: “Being A Good Partner”
There are three teams on the court at one time and the one that needs to be on the page the most are the officials.  Don Williams reviews the expectations of working with your partners and what steps you should take to make yourself, and your partners, the best they can be.

Mini Session # 2: “Rules Overview: NFHS Rules 1-2-3
Every rule in the rules book has equal importance and all must be enforced.  The first three rules are seldom studied but still essential to your success as an official.  Joe Spagnolo will review these sections in a quick overview that will make these introductory sections no longer difficult reading.

Mini-Session # 3: “Fighting Penalty Administration Review”
Brought back by popular demand, this review of proper administration of the fighting penalty should complement your rules knowledge when the dreaded fight takes place in your game.

Casebook Play of the Week # 1:  A1 is unable to attempt either of the two free throws awarded because A1 was injured during the play. A6 enters, replaces A1 and attempts the first free throw. A6 shoots an airball.  A7 reports and enters to replace A6 to shoot the second free throw.  Is this permissible?

Casebook Play of the Week # 2:  Team A substitute No. 25 reports to the table for the first time with approximately one-minute remaining in the second quarter and is beckoned onto the court. No. 25 plays the remainder of the second quarter. During halftime intermission, the official scorer realizes No. 25 is not listed in the scorebook and informs the officials when they return to the court before the start of the third quarter.  What penalties will be assessed?