Location: York High School in Elmhurst
- 6:45 – 7:25 p.m. – Check-In
- 7:30 – 8:00 p.m. – Breakout Session: Split Meeting Schedule
- Breakout Session #1: “Blarges: Conflict on the Court” (Bernie Carroll & Bob Vaughn) – Room A278
- Breakout Session #2: “Officiating at a Higher Level” (Bob Horvath) – Room A290
- 8:00 – 8:05 p.m. – Break
- 8:05 – 8:35 p.m. – Keynote Address
- “Twenty Plays of Video” (Joe Spagnolo) – Room A290
- 8:35 – 8:45 p.m. – Meet Your Assignor
- Bob Horvath, Southwest Prairie and Southwest Suburban
- 8:45 – 8:50 p.m. – Play of the Week Review
- 8:50 – 9:00 p.m. – Announcements
- 9:00 – 10:00 p.m. – Social Event at The Silverado Grill, 447 Spring Road – Elmhurst, IL
Breakout Session Synopsis
Breakout Session # 1: “Blarges: Conflict on the Court”
There’s nothing more embarrassing and confusing when two officials blow their whistles and indicate two different things on the court. When this happens during a block/charge play, we’ve now become part of the dreaded “blarge” play. Sectional officials Bob Vaughn and Bernie Carroll will examine how this happens along with ways to prevent it in this video and fact based presentation.
Breakout Session # 2: “Advancing to the Next Level”
Whether it is advancing through the state series or moving on to the collegiate ranks, many officials would like to move to the next level in their officiating careers. Three-time state final official and college official Bob Horvath will share his experiences and offer some tips on some steps you can take to reach your ultimate goal.