AOA Football continues to meet at Fenton High School, Room 65, at 7PM. We have an exciting line up of speakers and attendance would qualify you for a Level Two Clinic.
July 31st – IHSA Head Clinician Bill Laude will be discussing new rules, mechanics, and a host of other interesting topics. Make sure you attend this important talk that will help prepare you for the upcoming season.
August 7th – State Football Final official Mark Cunningham will be discussing Holding, how to spot it, and how and when to call it. If you have a question about holding, you’ll likely get the answer here.
August 14th – Three time State Final official Paul Black will lead a discussion on all phases of the kicking game from kickoffs to scrimmage. You’ll learn what you need to know about the plays that are frequently the most challenging we face.
August 21st – Two time State Final official Robert Ybarra will discuss professionalism. Robert will quickly win his way to your favorite speakers list with his engaging style.
August 27th – Two time State Final official Ted Lepucki will lead our highly interactive and engaging “You Make the Call” video review. Ted has led many sessions of AOA Football so regular attendees will know to expect the best. His video review will spark a lot of interesting talk and opinion sharing and you will not want to miss it.