All meetings will be held on Zoom and will take place on:

6:45 PM on 2/7, 2/14, 2/21, 2/28, 3/6, 3/13

New to the IHSA – Free
New to AOA – $15.00
Returning members – $25.00

  • 2/7/2024
    • Opening Remarks – Pat Weber
    • Teachable Moments – Tim McCaffrey
    • Live Ball/Dead Ball – Steve Harms
    • Base Awards – John Hobscheid
  • 2/14/2024
    • Umpire’s Inner Voice – Jenn Hughes
    • Working the bases – Greg Johnson
    • MLB Umpire Discussion – Dan Bellino
  • 2/21/2024
    • Game-Ending Situations – Jenn Hughes
    • Game Within the Game – Rob Hacker
    • Video Plays – Tim Cordill CBUA
  • 2/28/2024
    • Mechanics – Bill Mushrush
    • Professionalism – John Cyr
    • Conflict Resolution – John Cyr
  • 3/6/2024
    • Definitions – John Hobscheid
    • Infield Fly – Steve Harms
    • Batter is out When – Pat Weber
    • Officer Nominations – Pat Weber
  • 3/13/2024
    • Rules Changes and POEs – John Cyr
    • Working the Plate – Greg Johnson
    • NFHS Part 1 Exam – John Cyr/Greg Johnson